It's okay to have no clue what you're doing.

I'm sitting here amazed that it's already November again. It feels like we just left summer five minutes ago!

Time travels so fast, especially when you're in survival mode. For the last year or so, I've gone from one insanely busy season/situation to the next. And of course, I decided to re-launch my business in the middle of all of that, too! LOL.

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On the outside, as a thirty-five (almost thirty-six! gah!) year old woman, you'd look at me and think I have it handled. I manage a household with two daughters, often on my own because my husband travels quite a bit each week for his career. I also work full-time as a teacher and run my virtual management business, too. In addition, we volunteer and lead worship at our church and at another fellowship of believers on a regular basis, too.

But deep inside, I feel like I have been treading water for so long...and I am exhausted. I come home almost every day just mentally and physically wiped out. The mental load from all of the work + all of the changes I've gone through in the last two years have really begun to take their toll on me. 

Some days I feel like I am on a hamster wheel. I am going, going, going....but I am getting nowhere, and fast!

And sure, I have tons of strategies...I know and preach about the importance of taking care of yourself, of self-care, of simplicity + minimalism. I practice yoga, try to eat healthy, and get to bed at a decent hour. I do all of the right things. And I am still just so damn tired, ya'll.

Not to mention all of my knowledge of productivity, organization....and the fact that I basically help other mompreneurs simplify their lives on a daily basis. 

But I am still worn. And sometimes I feel like I have no clue what I am doing, or where I might end up in this life. 

Anyone else?

Cause I know I'm not alone out there.

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Other moms - whether you're a career woman, a mompreneur (or both), or a stay at home're probably experiencing some of the same things I am.

Sometimes I sit back in amazement at how other moms do it...I see my mompreneur friends out there, working hard and seeing success. And then I feel the tinge of jealousy spring up. How does she do it all? 

Then I remember...this is just a highlight reel I am seeing. I may not be seeing the whole picture. I remind myself how frustrating it is for me to hear the same things said about me!

Are you struggling with trying to get it all done? Finding the time to get things done, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer mental load and #allthethings? 

You're not alone. As a sweet friend continues to remind me, it's so important to remember that when trying to accomplish things in life, it's like trying to eat an elephant: you should only eat one small bite at a time.

We can do it all. We just can't do it all at the same time. <3 

Keep pushing on, mama. Don't give up on your goals + dreams. You're not alone! 

If you want to connect and become biz friends, feel free to find me here or join my facebook group, Biz + Life Made Simple! <3

Carrie Flynn