How to build a business while working a full-time job
I want to talk about what it takes to build a business for some of us.
I've been working outside my home for my entire adult life. I didn't necessarily intend or WANT to do this, but I did so because of financial necessity.
And when I had my second child, I realized how I wasn't really doing what I felt called to do, and wanted to use the gifts I had been given to help others and support my family financially, too.
So I started Virtual Simplicity in 2017.
So how on earth do I find time to grow a business while working outside the home? I can assure you, it can be done but it isn't easy.
My schedule looks something like this now:
Wake up: 5:30 AM
Get ready and get kids fed & in the car: 5:45-7:00 AM
Work outside the home: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Drive home: 3:30-4:00 PM
Caring for kids at home & eat dinner: 4:00-7:00 PM
Bedtime routines: 7:00-7:30
Actual time for me to work my business and relax: 7:30-10:30 PM
I've built my business in the short hours of the day that I have free to do so.
Has it been easy? NO. Do I have a long ways to go? Of course!
But I have come a LONG way and I am so proud of myself for how hard I have worked to grow my business.
So what are some practical tips to grow your business while working full time outside the home?
1. Give yourself grace with your timeline. Your timeline might be different in terms of how quickly you will be able to leave your full-time job. This could be due to only have so many hours to work on your business in a given day. Resist the urge to compare yourself to someone who is working their business full-time. And remember: you’re doing the best that you can!
2. Be realistic about how many clients you're able to take on at one time. I know my limit, and I have to be careful to NOT take on too much each month. Figure out how much work you can handle, and book out each month accordingly. You can always book-out for months in advance, too!
3. Get excellent systems in place. Consider how you can batch schedule content, automate your social media and onboarding process for your clients.
4. Outsource both in your business and in your home as needed. Maybe your business is growing fast but you can't quite leave your full-time job. If this is the case, you can consider hiring a VA to support you during the day while you're at work. Also, think of how you can outsource things at home. Consider using a grocery delivery or pickup service. Hire a maid if you’re able to. Use a babysitter once a week in the evening so you can work for longer periods of time. All of these have worked very well for me!
Do you work outside the home while trying to build your business? What is working for you to help you move your business forward without losing your mind? Send me a note and let me know!