Virtual Simplicity

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Top Five Hacks to Organizing Your Business to Run on Auto-Pilot

I was speaking with a client recently and we realized we hadn't taken the time to really work on a business operations manual for her.

Now I know you might be eye-rolling me right now, because the thought of writing this out might make your head spin or your eyes cross over!

However, a business plan is just one key component to make your business run smoothly and on auto-pilot, so you as the owner don't have to keep your hands on every little thing.

What about when you go on vacation? Or if there is an emergency? 

You need a good plan in place which tells everyone in your business what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.

This will alleviate stress on your end, trust me!

Here are my top five hacks for creating an optimal and automated business:

1. Write as many SOPs as possible and outsource these tasks if you can.

I cannot emphasize the importance of this. It's why I placed it at the top of my list. Writing SOPs (standard operating procedure) can be boring, but it is an essential part of sustaining a business. You need to write out every single step for every important task/event/part of your business. This will allow you to train your team members easily! If you hate writing them out at first, consider making training videos to start!

2. Use a CRM to automate your interactions with new and current clients.

I use Dubsado, but there are plenty of great CRM (customer relationship manager) systems out there. Using a CRM can allow you to automate client-related tasks like sending and signing contracts, automating recurring invoices, sending emails, forms, name it! Plus everything is digital and housed in one place, so it's easier to find!

3. Implement the use of automated social media tools.

If you use social media for marketing and networking/building relationships, you MUST use some automated posting systems/tools. I use Later for my Instagram posts and I LOVE it! You can also use tools like IFTTT, Buffer, Hootsuite, and Planoly to help you automate your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even LinkedIn posts. Using any combination of these will help you save some time.

4. Create automated workflows for your client and customer needs.

Dubsado (and other CRMs) allow you to create automated workflows to use for your clients. This is great if you need to have things automatically triggered to send without you having to remember them OR log in manually to do it yourself. For example, if you rely on leads to grow your business, Dubsado offers a great lead generation form integration with an automated lead workflow. My lead generation form automatically adds the person who fills it out as a lead, then triggers the workflow...which sends the new potential client an email with next steps. I love it!!

5. Schedule EVERYTHING you need to get done during the week on your calendar (including self-care time)

This may seem silly, but you need to schedule everything in your calendar. This includes eating lunch, spending time with family, and even your self-care. Get radical about your schedule and stick to you. Flying by the seat of your pants is NOT optimal and will not allow you to truly break free of working #allthehours. If you want to be able to sustain your business long-term, follow your schedule to a T and you will be so glad you did! 

Hopefully, these tips can help you get started in running your business on auto-pilot. This is just a starting point! If you'd like to chat more with me about how I can help you simplify and automate your biz, click the link below. <3 I cannot wait to hear from you!

Have an amazing week!

