Some of absolute favorite tools to make your business easier

I am so excited to share with you some of my absolute favorite systems + tools that you need for your own business.


I remember and know how it feels to fly by the seat of my pants in my own life and business. It can feel very overwhelming and exhausting, and like you’re doing all this work but getting absolutely nowhere.

Getting started can be a bit scary. So here are some of my most important processes and tools that can help your business grow and thrive (without you losing your mind in the process!)

Favorite System Tools: (some of these include affiliate links)

CRM (customer relationship manager): Dubsado! It's one of my absolute favorites. It’s a great tool to get started as a solopreneur or a small team. I adore their smooth lead generation forms that allow you to build the lead to customer experience easily.

Email Marketing: Mailerlite! It has a great free option, which is a great place to get started when building your email list. Creating forms and landing pages is a breeze, so you can share opt-ins simply with your clients.

Social Media Management/Marketing: Later! I’m a huge Instagram girl, so I absolutely need a good tool to help me automate my posts. Later is super simple and easy to use, and affordable too! (They have a free option! WOOT!). They just introduced scheduling Instagram story posts, so this is EVERYTHING! It makes posting to Instagram so much easier.

Project Management: Trello! This is an amazing tool that helps you to organize ideas for your own business goals OR to manage a small team. You can create numerous and various types of board, from long-term vision strategy to weekly to-do lists. If you are someone (like me ) who prefers to plan using technology vs. using a paper planner, then Trello is for you.

As you can see, this is a small list that is just a place to get you started. There are numerous tools out there, and it can be overwhelming to know what to choose or where to begin. Do NOT get shiny object syndrome. You do NOT need every.single.thing out there for your business. TRUST ME!

Instead, consider the areas that bring in the most money for your business OR are the biggest pain for you. Then, find a tool that can help make that easier and simpler for you. :)

Do you have a go-to system that you’re loving? I’d love to hear about it. Hit the reply button and share it with me!

Have a great week!

