When you're feeling totally overwhelmed in life and business...
I remember the feeling all too well. Sitting there, totally paralyzed by the sheer number of things I needed to get done.
And in the background, my girls were fussing...hungry, one was tired and ready for her bedroom routine. The other needed help with her homework.
I had NO plan for dinner and was exhausted at the end of a long day. And I STILL had work to do for my business! UGH.
Can you relate to this, too?
Isn’t overwhelm such a huge part of being human...and especially when you own a business? I find this is especially true if you’re growing (or scaling) and feeling those not-so-fun growing pains!
Perhaps you’re trying to do everything on your own, and finding there just isn’t enough time in the day! Or maybe you have help but are trying to manage and keep up with everyone, and it’s exhausting!
Overwhelm can lead us to feel frustrated and stuck. It happens to everyone in business at some point.
But how do you begin to deal with and overcome the feeling of overwhelm in your business (and in your life?) Here are some things that have been working for me, that I want to pass along to all of you:
Take time for yourself - either in the AM before the day begins or PM before you go to bed (OR BOTH). During the week, I get up before everyone in my house. I take this 30-45 minutes to get myself up and moving, drink some coffee, and do some meditation or prayer. At night, I spend about 30-45 minutes alone, enjoying the quiet or spending some time reading or taking a bath. Both of these activities help me to start and end my day well.
Look for ways to automate tasks in your business and life. For me, this means automating my social media posts. I simply do not have the time to organize and check in all day long, so I use online systems like Later to help me share my posts to Instagram easily and quickly. I also use grocery pickup or delivery systems, so that I do not have to spend precious family time grocery shopping. I also purchased an InstantPot, which helps to cook dinners super fast, which cuts down on prep and cook time for dinners!
Get outside help if you’re able for things that frustrate you! If you’re financially able, consider seeking outside help and support for things in your business and life. For example, I have hired a person to deep clean our home once a month. Getting the details cleaned in my home and finding time to really clean was not happening. This allows me to just pick up and allow my amazing cleaning lady to do the detail work when she comes to my home. For you, this may mean hiring a virtual assistant to help you do tasks or online business manager to help manage all the things and people in your business.
Don’t let overwhelm take you down. It can keep you upset, frustrated, and stuck if you’re not able. Take some small steps to make your life a bit easier today!
Do you need some help with something in your biz or life, and don’t know where to start? Reach out, send me a reply, cause I’d love to help you figure it out!